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What Is Ads Network And How To Earn Money From It ? - OnlineMoneyEarning

What Is Advertising Network And How It Work ?

Advertising Network or commonly known as Ads Network is an online business that acts as middleman between Advertisers and Publishers. Unlike PaidToClick Network, Ads Network work with hosting them in publisher's Ads Space in their own website/blog.

How To Earn Money From Ads Network ?

Ads Network have 3 different ways to monetize publisher's site :

  • Cost Per Mile (CPM) the simplest of ad delivery options. Advertisers pay a price for every 1,000 impressions delivered. An ad delivered on someone's browser is an impression. Whether or not the user clicks on the ad has no bearing on the price.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC) This is a performance-based. Advertisers pay for every click they get on an ad campaign. This method of pricing often depends upon advertisers bidding on the maximum amount they will pay for a single click, a model that's become very popular on Google AdSense and Adwords. The downside of CPC is the uncertainty of how often the ad will be served, however, the low risk and focus on performance still make it an attractive option to most publishers.
  • Cost Per Action (CPA) takes the performance-based model even further by guaranteeing Advertisers will only have to pay for a specific action or conversion by the Publishers. This ad delivery metric is a key performance indicator for marketers when evaluating return on investment (ROI). A campaign that cost $250 and resulted in 25 sales means the CPA was $10. If the per-sale-profit exceeds $10 then the campaign was a success.

You can refer HERE for some decent Ads Network Sites list. They've already well-known around the advertisers and publishers.


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