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How To Earn Bitcoin Online - OnlineMoneyEarning

Bitcoin is a great to way to earn money online. Back in 2011 Bitcoin price is just $1 each. Now in 2018 the price is at all-time high in $14.435 each reach the highest market cap for all currencies, and the price rates is still rising. Some major cities even accept BTC as a transaction. In some countries like the Netherlands, the entire towns are Bitcoin-friendly such as Arnhem, often called ‘the Bitcoin city’ now with a range of services available for those who are willing to pay with BTC. The more ways are there to spend the cryptocurrency, the more ways are there to obtain them. Let us look at some of the opportunities to help you earn Bitcoins.

1. Mine Bitcoin On Your Own

The very first way to get your own Bitcoins was through mining. In 2009, every block mined (every 10 minutes on average) brought a reward of 50 BTC to the lucky one who managed to solve the computational problem. Right now, every block brings 12,5 BTC. There are some issues which stand in the way of earning some BTC :

  • The hashing difficulty has grown significantly over the last years. No single equipment has enough computational power to compete for Bitcoins, even when 10 supercomputers combined.
  • Mining has gotten unprofitable since every block now only brings 12.5 BTC.
  • To get more rewards, people are forced to unite in pools or use cloud mining services.
  • Even when the efforts are combined, there is still need to pay for the electricity, and the utility bills often exceed the mining reward.

2. Several Bitcoin Faucets

What you need to know about Bitcoin faucets is that they allow you to get a small amount of cryptocurrency in particular time spans. For example, on many Bitcoin dice websites you can get 0.0001 BTC every 5 minutes. There are other options too where you can earn Bitcoin for time you spent on the website for example, when playing games. You cannot gain much here even when you join many various faucets, but gain less is better than not gaining at all.

3. Working For Bitcoin

If mining is not for you, you can search for work that you can do for Bitcoins. There are multiple services that will offer one an opportunity to work for cryptocurrency. Currently, you can earn Bitcoins online as a freelancer, but some Bitcoin startups and companies like Overstock offer an option to get the regular payment in BTC. With greater acceptance, there will be more options to look for.

4. Trading With Bitcoin

A good way to make an earning with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is  through trading. Sometimes, however, Bitcoin trading can be very similar to gambling – high risks are involved here too. In order to minimize them, you need to learn a bit about trading. You may follow trading souces to get some trading tips. Meanwhile, you can just start with a little amount, and when you feel more confident, you will be able to get to bigger earnings.

There are quite a few ways to earn Bitcoins online, and they are all different. Regardless of what strategy you choose, you still have to find a secure place to buy, sell, and exchange your Bitcoins. BestChange for example, that have been established since 2007, offer the services for buying, selling, and trading Bitcoin to another cryptocurrencies.


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