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How To Create Quality Content | Very Basic Blogging Tips | OnlineMoneyEarning

As you know, Blog/Website have been a money source for those who wants to start earning money online. A good quality blog content can drive massive traffic income to your blog, which in return will earn you a high money making potential especially if you're running an affiliate blog or ads network.

But, create a high quality content itself is not an easy job. Some may even requires as much as 4 hours to make even 1 quality content. For starter bloggers, this task can be overwhelm to do, so they just tried to copy-paste other bloggers post, hoping that their post can generate a huge traffic income like other people.

Unfortunately, Google's complex algorithms prevent that copy-paste content to appear in page 1 in Google Search Engine to appreciate the originality. So don't expect a copy-paste post to appear in page 1 in Google Search.

I know there are so many blogging tips about how to make a high quality content out there. But in this article, i give you the very basic tips about how to make a high quality content. These tips are obvious, but sometimes missed.

The Very Basic Of How To Make A High Quality Content

1. Your Mind Condition Matter

This applies to all things we do in our lives. A healthy mind can inspire a high quality content faster. So, before you begin to write a content, you better make sure that your mind is in good mood. Take a bath, have some coffee while you write, or anything as long that it will give you a mood booster. Don't get stressed about it, take it easy. If you stuck, get out there, take a walk, and comeback later.

2. Your Audience Point Of View

Before you write a content, it's better to take a time to picture your content in your audiance point of view. Writing in front of a mirror is a good practice too. Think about whether your post is going help your readers to solve their problems, or your readers are going to like your post. Just think about what do they expect after they've read your post. Just don't post a content that have no purpose at all.

3. Write Your Thought

Admit it, sometimes you have a lot of things to write in your mind, but when you sit in front of your keyboard, you can't seem to write them at all. You better start to type those words, 1 words at a time if you need to, because what you think in your mind that is helpfull, maybe actually helpfull for your readers too. Don't be shy, write what you have in mind. It's not that you can't edit your post after it published anyway.

Doing those basic tips above, you can have your own a high quality content without copy-paste other people posts. Sure, it will take your time. But it's worth it. Considering the pay off that you create a post that is helpfull for your readers with your own thought, you gain a massive traffic income for your hardwork.

Hope this help.

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