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Monetize Your Blog : Make Money Blogging - OnlineMoneyEarning

Are you a blog addict ? Have you ever wonder if you can make money while doing something you like (in this case blogging) ? The answer is yes you can. in fact, many bloggers out there already make thousands of dollar with their blogs. Online businesses have given many oppurtunities for those who want to start earning money through their services with blogging is just 1 of those ways. So how to start making money with it ? Let's see here.

How To Make Money With Your Blog

Note : Before you start to monetize your blog, it's important for you to gain more traffics first. It's the milestone for any new bloggers. I suggest that you start to learn about SEO to gain a huge traffics. If you already own a blog and already have nice traffic, then you can start monetize it.

Related Post : What Is Ads Network ?

1. Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC Ads)

Google Adsense is one of the well-known PPC, even a non blogger knew Adsense, or at least ever heard of it.
They serve contextual ads (image or text) based on your content and niche and pay when someone clicks on the ad. How much you make on Adsense depends on several things. For example, advertisers bid on keywords, so if you happen to write about a topic that has high paying keywords, then each click will be worth  more than another topic with low valued keywords (keywords that have really low bids).
In addition, people who came to your site from search engines (organic traffic) are more likely to click on these ads than the returning visitors. It makes sense then to spread out your Adsense ads to provide easy access for search visitors.

2. Cost Per Mille Advertising (CPM Ads)

Unlike PPC ads, CPM ads pay you per 1000 impressions/views. Viewers don't need to do anything for you to be paid. You just need to serve the ad to them. This type of ads only benefits for those who can gain at least 1000 traffics everyday.
The pay rates can go as low as $0.10 per thousand impressions. Yeah it's too low, but it's still a good option to use in conjunction with CPC ads. CPM ads can be placed in less prominent spaces (below the fold) whereas CPC ads should have a better position. Most ad networks that offer CPM ads have CPC ads thrown in as well. You can set your own prices and remove unappealing ads.

3. Cost Per Action Advertising (CPA Ads)

This is the most high paying ads, but also the most difficult to earn. Why ? because not only the viewers need to click the ad, but also do something after, like register/sign up or purchase a product related to the ad or directly from the ad link.
You can find CPA ad networks related to your niche. It's important to post ads related to your own niche to get a better conversion. Popular CPA ad networks include Conversant (formerly Commission Junction), Adfish, ClickBank, and Amazon Associates.

4. Text Link Advertising

Text links work the same way as the other ads described above. You set aside a space on your page and text links will start showing up when they are purchased.
You need to submit specific pages you want to display text link ads on your site, so be sure to enter your most popular pages (either your homepage, category pages, and most popular post or article pages). Rates are based on how much traffic your website gets. the more traffic the higher the rates you will get. If you get a lot of traffic to your website and are considered an authority website then text links may be profitable for your.


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